Auricular acupuncture, also referred to as auriculotherapy, targets specific acupuncture points located in the ears. This holistic treatment has been associated with several benefits, including the management of chronic musculoskeletal discomfort, postoperative healing, relief from symptoms related to cancer treatments such as nausea, pain and anxiety, exploration as a complementary approach for mood disorders, and assistance with chemical dependencies. assisting individuals with chemical dependencies and addiction by reducing cravings and supporting recovery.
Melanie Morgan, BA(Hons), BSc(Hons), ACHD, HDP, MNCH.
Bannau Therapies
Room 5, Steeple House
Steeple Lane
Mobile: 07940257880
Facebook: Bannau Therapies
Opening hours
Thu - Fri
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Evening and weekend appointments available by appointment
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